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How to Activate Your Skin For Supple Radiance

There are several factors that can change the way our skin behaves and the way it responds to products. These factors could be temporary or chronic, they could also be age-related or environmental related. Activating your skin doesn’t mean that your skin is dead: it means improving the function of your skin, and its response to cosmetic treatments. Healthy skin looks beautiful – these tips will show you how to activate your skin for supple radiance


Pathogens as well as environmental stressors can wreak havoc on the skin. Friendly bacteria on the skin can also become unfriendly if left to overpopulate. A ritual as simple as cleansing the skin of surface dirt helps control this influence and keep a healthy microbiome balance. When this aspect is balanced, cosmetic products can also focus on matters that are most pressing. Your skin will love you for it! Choose cleansers that are gentle and do not strip the skin completely of oil.


Hydration is one of the most important aspects of skincare that could sometimes be overlooked due to a lack of proper understanding of what the skin needs. The skin has a moisture content of about 15 when it is healthy. When it goes down to 10% or below, problems such as dryness, dehydration and abnormal desquamation start to occur. Yes, the skin needs moisture, and something as seemingly insignificant as a face mist or a hydrating toner can do wonders. The skin looks plump, more evenly toned and radiant when moisture is sufficient. Seal this moisture in with a good moisturizer.
Another way to hydrate the skin is by drinking lots of water. Thirst is a sign of dehydration – do not wait to get thirsty before you drink water. If it helps, carry a bottle of water when stepping out of the house to encourage better drinking habits.


Detoxification refers to deeply cleansing the skin. There are limited products that can get into the pores and help detoxify them of unwanted substances, such as salicylic acid. This is especially beneficial for acne-prone individuals. But there are other ways you can help clean your pores.
a.Steam your face and body: Steaming the face is as simple as covering an already cleansed face over a steaming bowl of water. A towel is draped over your head to keep the steam from escaping. Careful there! Some fancy gadgets are safer methods of accomplishing this routine. Well, this is what steaming the face does – it opens the pores and helps dissolve sebum and make it easier to cleanse the face. When essential oils are added, minuscule amounts of them follow the vapour into your pores. While that may not be sufficient to adequately treat a condition, it may help the process. If anything it will create a good aromatic experience. Light cleansing with a micellar water and cotton wool afterwards. You can do this once a week. Make sure to moisturize your skin afterwards as it may feel dry. If you do not have access to a sauna, you can still achieve good results with a hot bath or shower. Use a good moisturizer afterwards.

b. Oil Cleansing: Another way of detoxifying the pores is to oil-cleanse. The principle of oil cleansing is that like dissolves like – when you massage with an oil like jojoba, for instance, the oil binds to the sebum within the pores. Massaging the face as you rub the oil onto your face also creates heat that helps soften the trapped sebum. If you use an oil cleanser, the addition of water emulsifies the sebum and oil together. The oil to milk action is a sign of emulsification. At this stage, it becomes easier to wash off. Addition light cleansing can be done with a micellar water and a cotton bud or foaming micellar. This can be done once a week. Make sure to moisturize your face afterwards as your face may feel a bit dry – nothing a good moisturizer cannot handle.


Antioxidant-Rich Product

FATTY ACIDS – The skin’s lipids play an essential role in the skin’s barrier function. One way is to supplement it with natural lipids if it is lacking. Natural oils rich in fatty acids like linoleic acid are fantastic at protecting the skin and rebuilding it. Check out Rosehip oil – you could use a blend of oils for a facial massage. Massaging the face not only increases circulation, bringing necessary nutrients closer to the top of the skin, it also helps strengthen facial muscles. The heat involved in massages helps open the pores up to receive nutrients from skin-loving oils.
ANTIOXIDANTS – Another particularly important way of protecting the skin is by using an antioxidant-rich product, such as a vitamin C serum. Your skin has its own antioxidants, but this is often depleted. Studies show that the skin benefits tremendously from topical supplementation of vitamins. Increasing your skin’s antioxidant reservoir will substantially keep you protected from oxidative stressors before they can wreak havoc on your skin.


Exfoliation has all sorts of wonderful benefits for the skin. Any skin routine that misses this step is lacking. The body exfoliates dead skin cells on the utmost layer is through a process known as desquamation. Desquamation can also be hindered for several reasons. Using a body scrub or body polish or chemical exfoliants like lactic acids or papain enzymes help make sure that your skin is constantly proliferating. A regular exfoliation routine helps keep your skin smooth, supple, with an even complexion. It also makes it easier for the skin to absorb cosmetic products better for a more efficient and faster result.


I cannot overemphasize sun protection. Sun protection is needful to prevent conditions such as sunburn, sun darkening, hyperpigmentation and most especially, premature ageing. The sun also worsens several skin conditions. Protecting your skin with an SPF of at least 30 gives adequate protection with both short term and long-term benefits.

One of the most important factors of how to activate your skin for supple radiance is to be consistent in your skin routine. Do not forget, you need to be consistent with what you do. In the same way that you eat to feed your body, a cosmetic routine is most beneficial when it’s balanced and consistent.