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Over-Exfoliating with AHA’s

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) is one of the best resurfacing and invigorating treatments you can give your skin! They gently dissolve the glue that holds the dead skin together on the surface of your skin. They can leave your skin looking brighter and supple. AHA’s can be used in both leave-on and rinse-off products. They are mostly used for their exfoliating effects. Some of the benefits that you can enjoy with AHA’s include

  • Exfoliation
  • Brightening
  • Skin Plumping
  • Smooth
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduction in skin discoloration
  • Treatment and prevention of acne
  • Boosting of product absorption
  • etc

If you have ever gone gaga with AHA’s chances are you have overdone it at least once! At first, it’s all good and well – your skin looks baby-fresh! However, with excessive use comes rough and dry skin and possibly some breakouts. Well, what happened? Those are some of the signs of over-exfoliation.

Over-exfoliation is what happens when you do too much of a good thing – specifically we are referring to exfoliation with AHAs. When you exfoliate more than you should they actually cause the same things they try to prevent! Why so? Here is the thing, when you take off more skin than you should,

  • 1. your epidermis is thinner than normal and the younger exposed cells are not able to retain moisture as well as older one.
  • 2. Your skin barrier function is impaired and vulnerable to attacks it could normally ward off easily
  • 3. Your skin becomes more sensitive to things it normally wouldn’t.
  • 4. If inflammation persists, it could lead to other skin issues, eczema, breakouts, dry skin, hyperpigmentation, etc.

One sentence can explain everything that I have just mentioned – Your skin’s ability to protect itself and function optimally is reduced.

I Think I over-exfoliated! What Can I do?

1. Stop Exfoliating – give your skin a rest. Give it more rest if your symptoms are dire. Don’t exfoliate until your skin is back to normal for a while. (2 weeks to 4 weeks or more depending on severity)
2. Moisturize! Always use a good moisturizer – all moisturizers are not created equal. Moisturizers with skin-loving oils and ingredients like ceramides can help rebuild your skin’s barrier system.
3. Add calming ingredients like Alpha Bisabolol, Aloe vera, Rosehip, etc to your routine.

How Can I use AHA’s Safely?

Use AHA’s minimally. Higher concentration don’t always equal better results. They may seem to at first because the side effects are delayed. It’s better to give your skin AHAs in smaller doses. Leave the greater concentrations for special intermitent treatments and not for daily routines. Last of all, use a good moisturizer if you have products that cointain AHA in your routine. This will help prevent dryness and skin barrier problems, etc.

Don’t miss out on AHA’s because you’re afraid of the consequences of misuse – they are just that; consequences of misuse! When you use them right, the rewards are skin-deep!